και εισιτήρια έως το ποσό των 530 ευρώ.
The 8 days training course focuses on delivering a practical curriculum on entrepreneurship education (mindset, knowledge, skills, attitudes) and training 31 youth workers to develop their competencies, prototype social business ideas to crisis situations that young people are facing now, expand their working horizons, encouraging the exchange of best practices.
The specific objectives of the training course:✔️ To create a learning environment (incubator) for 31 youth workers from 7 European NGOs to discover and exchange practices, NFE methods about social entrepreneurship to be transferred to other youth workers and young people through DEOR activities.✔️ To create by the end of the TC 4 sketches of social entrepreneurship projects that could be implemented by the consortium of this project that answers to the needs of Youth NGOs and the community✔️ To explore practical ways to mentor, motivate and inform about financial resources the young people with fewer opportunities while promoting fundamental values of our society.
“Generation start-up” is an Erasmus+ international training course, with partners from 6 countries: Romania, UK, Latvia, Italy, Greece and Poland.
- Willingness to disseminate the know-how through local workshops and to create the map of the national entrepreneurship ecosystem under the guidance of the trainer.

📍 Location: Funchal, Madeira
Centro de Juventude do Funchal, Avenida Calouste Gulbenkian , 9000-011, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
Website: https://www.madeira.gov.pt/drj/Estrutura/DRJ/Areas/Centros-de-Juventude/ctl/Read/mid/10022/InformacaoId/67584/UnidadeOrganicaId/42/CatalogoId/0
😷 IMPORTANT! The youth workers selected to attend the international mobility acknowledge and agree to have valid health insurance for the whole duration of the training course and a valid EU Digital Certificate or PCR/rapid test according the rules set by the Governments of each country. Since there was not a dedicated budget received for such costs, this is the sole responsibility of the participants.More information at https://www.visitportugal.com/en/content/covid-19-measures-implemented-portugal
Aν θέλεις και εσύ να ζήσεις μία αντίστοιχη εμπειρία "ζωής" μείνε συντονισμένος στη σελίδα μας για να ενημερώνεσαι για τις δράσεις μας στην Ελλάδα και το εξωτερικό!
Join the dream! Join Erasmus+! a.

📍 Location: Funchal, Madeira
Centro de Juventude do Funchal, Avenida Calouste Gulbenkian , 9000-011, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
Website: https://www.madeira.gov.pt/drj/Estrutura/DRJ/Areas/Centros-de-Juventude/ctl/Read/mid/10022/InformacaoId/67584/UnidadeOrganicaId/42/CatalogoId/0
Join the dream! Join Erasmus+!
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