ΕRASMUS+ Υοuth Exchange
Που; Larnaca, CYPRUS
Πότε; 25 Oκτωβρίου- 2 Nοεμβρίου 2019
(συμπεριλαμβανομένων των ημερών ταξιδιού)
APV: 20-22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2019
(υποχρεωτική προπαρακευαστική συνάντηση που
θα παρακολουθήσει ο αρχηγός της ομάδας)
Συμμετέχοντες: 5 άτομα 18-30 ετών
και 1 αρχηγός ομάδας χωρίς όριο ηλικίας
Καλύπτονται 100% διαμονή και διατροφή (3 γεύματα τη μέρα)
και εισιτήρια έως το ποσό των 275 ευρώ.
και εισιτήρια έως το ποσό των 275 ευρώ.
Στους συμμετέχοντες μετά το τέλος του προγράμματος, θα δοθεί το πιστοποιητικό Youthpass που είναι αναγνωρισμένο σε όλη την Ε.Ε.
Δηλώσεις συμμετοχής έως την ΠΕΜΠΤΗ 29 ΑΥΓΟΥΣΤΟΥ 2019.
Κόστος συμμετοχής: 40 ευρώ
Unemployment is a crucial economic factor for a country; it is a huge problem for the World’s economy and nowadays society. In the EU and the euro area, unemployment in general has been on the rise since 2008 due to the economic crisis which caused bankruptcy and financial trouble for many employers, and thus led to considerable job loss, less job offerings, and consequently, to a rise of the unemployment rate. It is a problem that involves all age groups but the category that is most affected is that of young people between 18 and 35 years. Typically, those in their twenties, those who are fresh out of education do not find jobs right away, especially if the country’s economy is experiencing difficulties. Young adults born between the early 80s/ late 90s–are thought to be the first generation in modern times who will be less wealthy than their parents.
In order to be attractive in the labour market, besides the skills gained during their educational path, young people are obliged to hold a set of soft skills. Soft skills, by the definition, are “personal attributes you need to succeed in the workplace. These are related to how you work with others—in other words- people skills. Soft skills are different from hard skills, which are directly relevant to the job to which you are applying. These are often more quantifiable, and easier to learn. Regardless of the job to which you're applying, you need at least some soft skills. In order to succeed at work, you must get along well with people with whom you interact.
This project links the soft to the 8 Key Competences defined by the E+ program. The project is based on non-formal education methods will highlight the importance of the 8-Key Competences empowering young people to develop and improve their soft skills to become more competitive in the labour market and to encourage them towards their own initiatives.
YOU(TH)POWER FOR EMPLOYMENT aims to help young people to understand and define what are soft skills in general as well as observe, discover and improve their own skills to fight the unemployment locally and globally.
The main objectives of the project are:
- to analyze, discuss the main issues/events in EU and how they affect (increase or decrease) the risk of youth unemployment; define causes and possible solutions towards positive youth employment;
- to improve the most important soft skills that most employers are looking for: Communication Skills, Critical Thinking, Leadership, Positive Attitude, Teamwork, Work Ethics
- to empower young people to become new European entrepreneurs;
- to encourage cooperation between organisations/ participants with new tools/methods dealing with topics: soft skills and youth unemployment in rural/ remote areas
- to improve active participation and active citizenship at local, regional, national, European and global level (among young people with fewer opportunities)
- to promote Erasmus+ mobility opportunities and equip participants with the basic knowledge and experience to organize future Erasmus+ projects on various topics: youth opportunities locally/globally, youth unemployment, improvement of soft skills, key competences, intercultural dialogue;
- to promote the opportunities EU is offering for young people to improve their skills and increase their chances to EU wide labour market (e.g. study visit in the EURES office in Larnaca).

GROUP LEADER PROFILE (no age limit):
Group Leader (GL) will be the person responsible to lead the national group and will be able to coordinate and implement the activities with the group leaders team for/with the participants.
The GL will be the point of contact between participants and hosting NGO before, during and after the implementation phase.
The GL is a person interested in the topic of the project, experienced in Erasmus+ projects and a person willing to know and discover new NFE activities.
Group leader will attend both the APV meeting that will be held in Larnaca 20-22 September AND the Youth Exchange
Priority will be given to youth with few opportunities, unemployed youth (HIGHT PRIORITY) and/or victim of social exclusion, coming from remote areas (i.e. villages were people are close mind) and people who never been in a Erasmus+ mobility before.
Participants wishing to know what NFE is, interested to the topic of social inclusion and to be in a multicultural environment.
Eάν θέλεις να συμμετέχεις σε αυτή την ξεχωριστή ανταλλαγή συμπλήρωσε τη φόρμα συμμετοχής μέχρι 29/8:
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