ΕRASMUS+ Υοuth Exchange "European Citizenship Education"
Που; Bodo, Timisoara, ROMANIA
Πότε; 31 Iουλίου - 10 Αυγούστου 2019
(συμπεριλαμβανομένων των ημερών ταξιδιού)
Συμμετέχοντες: 5 άτομα 18-30 ετών
και 1 αρχηγός ομάδας χωρίς όριο ηλικίας
Καλύπτονται 100% διαμονή και διατροφή (3 γεύματα τη μέρα)
και εισιτήρια έως το ποσό των 275 ευρώ.
Στους συμμετέχοντες μετά το τέλος του προγράμματος, θα δοθεί το πιστοποιητικό Youthpass που είναι αναγνωρισμένο σε όλη την Ε.Ε.
Κόστος συμμετοχής: 40 ευρώ
The European and national debate on citizens' perception of European citizenship is intense, but without macro solutions, political and institutional solutions. The 2016 Eurobarometer showed that among Europeans about 50-60% of Western European citizens are considered European citizens, while in Central and Eastern European countries the percentage falls below 40%.
The EU is going through a politically complicated period, and it is also linked to the inability to develop the feeling and consciousness of a truly European citizenship (Brexit, the rise of populist or anti-Hitler parties, the crisis of migrants, the crisis of the rule of law in the countries of Central Europe and East).
The project "European Citizenship Education" is placed in this context and is the result of an initiative discussed within a consortium of organizations from: Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece, Denmark, Sweden and Finland.
1. Development of competences specific to the understanding of the functioning and the role of the EU related to key competencies for 42 young people, through activities carried out during a 9-day mobility, carried out in Romania.
2. Cultivation through specific activities of a sense of belonging to the European construction - European values and principles, among the 42 young people participating in a 9-day mobility, carried out in Romania.
3. Encourage mutual understanding between 42 young people from 7 different countries in a project that promotes European values during a 9-day mobility organized in Romania.

- Young people aged between 18-30 years old.
- Available to participate in the entire duration of the exchange
- Available actively participate in the program activities
- Willingness to apply and disseminate the projects results
Bodo village: a multicultural village that dates back to the 15th century!
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/BodoSmartCamp/
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